Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winter Will End

Spring is on it's way.


Randy Emmitt said...

I counted 12 crocus ready to bloom today and found 7 hellebores in our garden with blooms emerging. Meg's house that we are selling has 5-6 plants with at least a dozen blooms per plant to. Need to carry a shovel over there!

allhorsestuff said...

Yes is is going to! We already have-to our shock but delight- flowering quince and Forsythia and ornamental blossoming trees in pink!It is one told the flowers that here though..these normally come forth in March.
Loving it!!!
Can't wait to see more of your glorious garden Michelle!!

Jan said...

Please tell me it's true! I will know (for sure) when the snow melts and I can see some for myself...nothing can get it's head above it right now;-) NC weather is just so much nicer!

Sue Swift said...

Wow - spring is clearly further on where you are than it is here. my crocuses are only just pushing through.

Dirt Princess said...

Thank goodness!