This is a photo of our backyard a few weeks ago. If I did garden here it would have to be raised beds!
This is Tyler. I walk him for his owner every weekday. He is a wonderful pup. He's very playful, energetic and loves people. Though it's not a ton of money, I really enjoy taking him out each day and getting us both some fresh air and exercise.
Do you see the blooms? I took this picture about two weeks ago. It's some sort of Cherry but I couldn't get closer since it was in someones front yard. I was quite surprised to see something blooming. Not sure if this is normal but either way, it has been very cold most of the time.
Michelle I love your mums pup and Tyler looks a lovely fun dog. I don't envy your bog garden problem.
Your Mom's new puppy is the cutest! I've mostly seen short haired Chihuahuas, I like her fluffy fur.
I've seen either Cherries or Plums starting to bloom here. I think Plum trees usually bloom first and to me they look pretty similar to Cherry trees.
Tyler is a handsome fella but Lily is the cutest little thing! Awwww, just look at that sweet face. Maybe she will grow up to be a good girl like her mommy and daddy...
There is a cherry that blooms in Feb around here also. It gives me such excitement when I see it blooming as I know Spring is around the corner....
She's adorable...does that breed usually have that much hair?! Cutie pie, indeed! Hope your snow and 'wet' has been drying out for you. We still have over 2 feet on the ground in VA!
Blooms in Michigan in winter! Wow! I love these little gifts from nature...The puppy is way cute! gail
Okay, those are two of the cutest dogs I have ever seen. Lucky you. :-)
We have magnolias blooming here in Vancouver, and the winter Olympics is currently taking place here. Very strange!
Love Lily
Make sure your mom does not spoil the Chihuahua. My sister inlaw has one and when she leaves the neighbors have called to cops thinking someone is being tortured in her house from that little dog crying.
Personally I'd never own one of them way too much trouble once you have seen hers.
Lily is adorable! I have an new puppy too:)
I don't think I've seen your blog page design before- I ~love~ it!
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