We have a ton of clean up to do this year too. All the plants that sat out for the winter are a mess. I call it job security. The owner, Fred, works full time at another job so he doesn't have much time or energy for the clean up part of the business.
Here is some delospermum. It's bathing in the sliver of sunshine that made it through the clouds that day.
That is my potting station there in the middle. The table is a bit low so it's a bit uncomfortable but we shouldn't be using that station for long.
Is this a Black Widow? I am very cautious when picking up anything in the greenhouses because spiders love to live in there. I certainly don't want to be bitten by anything dangerous.
Lot's of plugs to plant. I potted up the first three flats of artemisia. He has many more flats of seedlings started now too. We need more sunshine to get everything growing. Things are behind as of now.
Some of the work that needs to be done outside. Holy moly!
I would love to work in a greenhouse or garden center. Of course, I'd never collect a paycheck, it would all go for plants:)
Sure looks like a black widow...eeek!
It must be fun being part of the bigger garden and scientifically inclined greenhouse. ~~bangchik
That certainly does look like a black widow because of the red spot.
That must be fun to work in a greenhouse and get paid for it too.
Yes it is a Black Widow, they love hidden away places like black plastic pots. Harmless if your wearing gloves and the colder air keeps them inactive too.
Sounds like fun working in the greenhouse.
Holy moly is right! You have your work cut out for you but it's so exciting being around all those plants!
Definitely a Black Widow! 400 strawberry plants would take some time!
I find BW's hiding among my saved pots! They aren't as scary as the Brown Recluse...I love being in greenhouses on a chilly day...I think I am going to head over to a nursery just for the experience! Hoping your weekend is filled with fun and gardening. gail
Looks like you have your work cut out for you, Michelle! Frankly, I miss the smell of earth! But yikes, a Black Widow!!! Take care and wear gloves ... now, I will worry about you those spiders :(
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