If you have never visited their site it is www.rareseeds.com. You can send for their free catalog there. It is a must for any heirloom enthusiast. The mouth watering selection of melons and tomatoes is out of this world. Baker Creek carries seeds from over 70 countries with 1275 varieties. They even have a great forum site at www.idigmygarden.com. They have also created a village called Bakersville that can be seen at www.streetsofbakersville.com It's such an amazing place. I have put it on my list of places to see.
The catalog is full of full color, full page images of spectacular veggies. I wasn't able to resist the tomato section. I circled nearly every variety available. Reds, pinks, whites, yellows, oranges, purples, and striped, a tomato for every taste!
The catalog states that all of their seeds are non-hybrid, non-GMO, non-treated and non-patented. These seeds are as good and pure as it gets! I look forward to doing lots of great business with Baker Creek.