Here is the list of bulbs that my mother and I planted last fall. The list would be much larger if the funds were limitless! I find myself circling hundreds of bulbs in catalogs each fall, wishing that I could buy each in bulk. Instead, I just buy a few of each to have and enjoy them, and with good luck and culture they will multiply.
7 Aflatuense
7 a. christophii
5 a. ivory queen
5 a. schubertii
15 a. drumsticks
5 a. mount everest
5 a. rosenbachianum
15 a. purple sensation
3 a. round and purple
5 Blue Jacket
5 Carnegie
5 City of Harlem
5 Gypsy Queen
5 Jan Bos
5 Pink Pearl
5 Woodstock
15 Casa Blanca
15 Valerie Finnis
15 Latifolium
5 Cotton Candy
20 siberian squill
5 hollandica Bronze Queen
15 s. histrioides Katharine Hodgkin
5 hollandica Eye of Tiger
5 hollandica Sapphire Beauty
5 hollandica Carmen
5 Dutch Master
5 Holland Sensation
15 Mount Hood
5 Exception
15 Money Maker
15 Daydream
5 Flower Record
15 Ice Follies
5 St Patrick's Day
5 Red Devon
5 Rainbow
5 Cool Flame
5 Misty Glen
10 Precocious
5 Thalia
5 Barrett Browning
5 Orangery
5 Fortissimo
5 Pappy George
5 LaBelle
5 Garanium
5 Pipit
5 Martinette
5 O'Bodkin
5 Pink Paradise
5 Sir Winston Churchil
5 Tahiti
5 White Lion
5 Yellow Cheerfulness
5 Golden Ducat
5 Obdam
5 Flowerdrift
5 Cheerfulness
5 Double Campernelle
4 cool flame
4 daydream
4 gazelle
4 lemon beauty
4 passionale
4 pink parasol
4 precocious
4 professor einstein
5 Peppermint Stick
15 Apricot Beauty
10 Yellow Emperor
10 Pink Emperor
10 White Emperor
15 Pink Impression
5 Ivory Floradale
15 Apricot Impression
15 Jasp Groot
15 Shirley
15 Tennessee
5 Bleu Aimable
15 World Expression
15 Pink Diamond
15 Temple of Beauty
12 clusiana
12 happy generation
12 queen of the night
12 spring green
I am awaiting spring anxiously. These lovelies will join my other bulbs for a wonderful show! I hope that my alliums: gladiator, gigantium and globemaster come back strong in the spring. They are in poor soil and must be moved next year to better showcase their beauty.
Next year I would like to get more of the small bulbs/corms like scilla, pushkinia, chionodoxia, crocus, f. checker lily,etc. The more the merrier!
Holy moly! that's quite a list Michelle! I'm impressed!
beautiful photo of springtime too-- gives me a breath of fresh air!
btw: I cut that sweater of mine... according to your instructions-- I've yet to stitch the bottom and put on the front pocket -- but, I'm well on the way and quite excited about the outcome! Thanks again for posting the instructions -- I'll show you a photo when I've got the bag finished! : )
Wow! What a list. You will have a wonderful display in the spring. I look forward to your photo's.
Your post title reminds me of one of my favourite little quotes...
"And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring." Kahil Gibran.
My heart is dreaming of spring too.
RO xx
I love your ideas. Found myself wishing I had a sweater to cut up lol.
What a lovely list of blooms. Cant wait to see pics of them all when they bloom.
That list of Alliums is enough to make one drool! A. schubertii is on my must-get list. Please keep us posted with plenty of photos at bloom time.
Christine in Alaska at Last Frontier Garden
I now am very excited for spring to find your glorious garden too! I will be living vicariously-through you!
That is excellent work!!
You'll be able to compare which bloom when and choose the very best to continue next fall with 100 of each, if you choose. I see many old favorites on your list and some new to me.
I planted clumps of Ice Follies along the front of the yellow rose bed. Only I will know they coordinate, since the bloom times are very far apart.
Dreams of Spring make the winter tolerable, just barely.
Wow!! I can't imagine having to plant all of those, much less planting them in bulk. They will be stunning when they come up and bloom next spring though.
You will give us photos next spring, right?
That is quite a list! But, my wish is always growing, too. When it comes time to order, I have to pick what I want the most, and save the others for the next year. Darn that budget thing!! Can't wait to see photos in the spring!! :)
I can't wait to see all the flowers. I thought I planted quite a few, but nowhere near as many as you :)
I can't wait to see this garden!
Thanks for all your very sweet comments.
Wow! That's one huge list!
I agree though, one just can't have too many spring bulbs. I just love them.
Michelle, my Belle. Is the snow gone in NC?
Will you be able to be in the UP when some/all of the bulbs are blooming?
I planted some new bulbs back in the fall but I'm too lazy to get up and get the list and share the names with you. Maybe I'll save that for a future post on my blog. See, I'll copy you.
I was thinking you were from Manistique but I see it's Manistee County that you're from. Just down the road from Charlevoix The Beautiful. Now I looked at the map and see that Manistee County is more than,just down the road. Pretty part of the country.
That's a grand list of plantings by your mom and you. I can't wait to see the blooms. Happy New Year 2010!
Wow that is some list there. We all will be drooling over your beauties in the spring. Can't wait.
I'm impressed!
I wish that my list was so long...
But since I'm unemployed right know I had to cut my list short:
Still I'm proud of my: white and purple Crocuses, Calla Lilies, Narcissus (replanted from last year) and my tulips (red, yellow and pink) I hope that you will post some photos when they will bloom! I'm sure that it will be lovely!
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