This is about as full as a cobalt can be. The whole trunk was just plants. Much of back seat was too. I had them in bags and boxes. Slugs, spiders and ants started crawling around with us during the trip.
Everything in this pic is plants.
See the greenery now. The canvas garden tote you see is all seeds! That empty space you see was filled after this shot. Its where we put my back pack and my brothers stuff.
I had 30 tomato plants, 9 hostas, 10 heucheras, 15 astibles, 5 hellebores, veggies, herbs, assorted perennials, etc.... I have a problem.
OMG, we have to get you in a 12 step Gardners program.
A woman after my own heart... lol... you make me feel normal... are you sure we are not related? Have fun planting and you know I love the seeds. We'll be walking circles around the house again this April!
How are they doing now, those plants? They are not sitting in the car, I hope!
Problem? What problem? There's nothing wrong with buying lots of plants! Of course maybe I have that problem too...
THAT is a true gardener!
Too funny! I have waited all summer to see how you managed all that into your car. Good packing skills at work for sure!~
Nice to know I am not the only one with OCD about gardening.
Yes, you have a problem!! A greenery! what a great problem.
I am happy to report they are all doing well!
You have some serious dedication to gardening! I would so do the same thing. I love Debbie's comment, haha.
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