Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pulling Weeds

Last weekend I went down to Ann Arbor, MI and spent time with friends. No gardening unfortunately. The weeds out there are about waist high! Tomorrow the pulling begins. It shouldn't take long. They come up quite easily, whew!

My tomato plants are taking over the world and the fruits are the size of a hand now. My peppers are equally as crazy. A much better year for the warm temp lovers. My green beans are finishing up. Lettuces are leafy and the zucchini is nearly as tall as me. It's a jungle out there.

I will return with pictures tomorrow!

Happy Gardening,


Tootsie said...

I can't wait to see some photos!

Tootsie said...

oh and o worries...weeds are taking over my world too!!!

joey said...

Delightful to to touch base again, dear Michelle. Do hope your Michigan summer is memorable and 'as good as it gets' :)