Tuesday I was invited to her home as the guest of honor for a Tea party. Since I am leaving for MI in a week she thought it would be great way for some gardening friends to get together. Our wonderful friends Sarah and Janelle also attended.
The table was decorated like those you see in a magazine. Due to low light my photos are a little blurry but they work. Four different pots of tea are on the table. We each had our own cup and saucer, no two alike. Flowery place cards and napkins along side her adorable cream holders. One was a little kitty. And of course, the desert! It was a delicious trifle. I ate way more than I needed to but it was way to good.
Conversation was endless and I made sure to bring a long my favorite stash of garden catalogs to pass around. Lots of garden discussion, planning and fun was had.
Robin's yard is a beautiful cottage style garden with self sown seeds all about the yard. She is currently working on installing a small chicken coop too. When I get back in September there should be chickens scratching around.
This azalea has blossoms the size of my palms!
This is the herb and cut flower garden.
The front yard is her newest garden project.
I love the butterfly house.
You can see that her borders are stuffed with cut flowers.